approvals for bright water

Bright Water can be used for disinfection everywhere. Bright Water is normally produced with a strength of 500ppm.
ppm indicates the strength of the product. Bright Water is also available with 750ppm, primarily for use in the healthcare sector. The difference is not in how much it kills, but how quickly it kills.
Bright Water is the world's most effective liquid disinfectant.
Bright Water belongs to the category of biocides. All biocides must be approved by the European Chemicals Agency, ECHA. Subsequently, the national authorities must also approve the product in each individual country. In Denmark, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency and the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration are responsible for the national approval. However, the national authorities cannot approve anything that has not first been approved by ECHA. Thus, the first approval lies with ECHA.
It is a widespread misconception that the Statens Seruminstitut (SSI) must approve disinfectants, but this is not correct. SSI does not have the authority to approve products or determine the use of specific products in Denmark. Unfortunately, this is not always followed by SSI.
While an approval process is underway at ECHA, a product is allowed to be marketed. This may seem confusing to some, but that is the rule.
It is always possible to check whether a product is approved by consulting the Danish Environmental Protection Agency's Pesticide Database (BMD).
It is important to note that the database is not updated as frequently as one might wish. If a product is not in the database, especially new products, one should contact the Danish Environmental Protection Agency to make sure.
Here is a link to the BMD:

Bright Water has all necessary approvals, which guarantees the product's effectiveness and legality, including in the healthcare sector.

Main group 1: Disinfectants
These product types do not include cleaning products that are not intended to have any biocidal effect, including detergents, washing powders and similar products.

Product type 1: Human hygiene
The products in this group are biocidal products used for human hygiene, and are used on or in contact with the skin or scalp with the primary purpose of disinfecting the skin or scalp.

Product type 2: Disinfectant and algaecide products not intended for direct use on humans or animals
Products for the disinfection of surfaces, materials, equipment and furniture that do not come into direct contact with food or feed.
The areas of application include swimming pools, aquariums, bathing water and other water, air conditioning systems and walls and floors in private and public areas, including industrial areas and other areas with commercial activities.
Products used for the disinfection of air, water not used as drinking water for humans or animals, chemical toilets, wastewater, hospital waste and soil.
Products used as algaecides for the treatment of swimming pools, aquariums and other water and for the improvement of building materials.
Products incorporated as part of textiles, paper towels, masks, paints and other articles or materials with the aim of producing treated articles with disinfectant properties.

Product type 3: Veterinary hygiene
Products for veterinary hygiene purposes such as disinfectants, disinfectant soaps, oral or body hygiene products or with an antimicrobial function.
Products for the disinfection of materials and surfaces in connection with housing facilities or animal transport

Product type 4: Food and feed
Products for the disinfection of equipment, containers, eating and feeding utensils, surfaces and pipes in connection with the production, transport, storage or consumption of food or feed (including drinking water) for humans and animals.
Impregnation of materials that may come into contact with food.

Product type 5: Drinking water
Products for the disinfection of drinking water for both humans and animals.

Main group 2: Preservatives
Product type 11: Preservatives for liquids in cooling and treatment systems
Products for the preservation of water or other liquids used in cooling and treatment systems by controlling harmful organisms such as microbes, algae and mussels.
Products used for the preservation of drinking water or water for swimming pools are not covered by this product type.

Important information about disinfectants and SSI's role

Dear customers,
We would like to clarify that the Statens Serum Institut (SSI) has no influence on which disinfectant product you as customers may use. SSI cannot therefore require that certain products or product types be used, and they are not responsible for the approval of disinfectants.

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for approvals in accordance with current legislation and the EU Biocidal Products Regulation.

According to the law, it is essential that recommendations on disinfectants are made in a neutral manner without favoring specific products.

This neutrality is necessary to ensure fair competition and to give you as users the best possible basis for choosing the products that best meet your needs.
Recommendations that highlight specific products or product types over others are in violation of current legislation and competition regulations.
Unfortunately, we still experience that the legislation is not always complied with, and we are actively working to ensure that the rules regarding objectivity and neutrality are respected.

If you have questions or want more information about how to choose the right products, we are always ready to help.